Letterpressing, woodblocks and joy
We developed tactile printed elements (based on letterpress printing from original Victorian advertising woodblocks), alongside bright and crisp geometric patterns, delivering a design that is contemporary, engaging and optimistic. These interventions are designed to create focal points of interest and operate as highlighters for the shops below, bringing a sense of worth to the area.
Part of something bigger
As part of the borough’s two-year commitment to public realm improvements, we worked closely with Stratford locals to develop three key projects that knitted together: A ‘breadcrumb’ trail of temporary signage, an overall visual identity for the changes taking place, as well as these murals on the shopfronts.
See the temporary signage part of this project here.

The public realm enhancements for Stratford Town Centre, designed by Thomas.Matthews, have had a very positive impact on the local businesses and community spirit. TM’s research and understanding of the value of this area has directly influenced their design outcomes in a way that has created inclusive and sensitive design interventions
Gianluca Rizzo
Stratford Original Manager