An expandable brand to grow with the place
Our workstreams included: refreshed brand guidelines with logo and colour refinement; interpretation materials such as an Explorer Map and Kids’ Trail; website guidance; brand campaign; fundraising campaign; and signage scheme.
A refreshed colour palette injected vibrancy and character, whilst playful hand-drawn marks worked as communication tools to highlight written copy. These assets integrated comfortably with existing materials.
We delivered interpretation to support Bring into Being an experimental programme of events, activities and art commissions with site-specific artworks by Peter Adjaye, Jaimini Patel and Mark Wallinger – the first part of the expanded public programme that launched with the re-opening of the House.
Images by Peter Clarkson.

Individual illustrations by Eleanor Rudge.

Considering heritage from the start
By undertaking an analysis of existing audience types, their journey and experience we were able to pinpoint key areas for signage around the grounds. We also developed a one-way route around Chiswick House to prepare for a Covid safe re-opening in May 2021.
Flexible, off-the-shelf structures to hold signage offered a no-drill, no-glue solution. Systems were chosen for their simplicity and link in materiality to the rich architectural and artistic history of the site.