What we did
Exhibition & Interpretation
Twenty years ago, the Earth Centre project near Doncaster brought together our team and another two creative design studios: Grant Associates and Feilden Clegg Bradley. Since then, our careers have taken different paths, but we continue to collaborate and bring our particular expertise to the creative mix.
We combined our skills in architecture, landscape and visual communication to generate big ideas. Collaboration is fundamental to our approach – working with creative people, from engineers to artists, and integrating our talents into the projects.
Our shared passion for sustainability and nature lives on through our work, whether executed together or apart. This passion manifests itself throughout the creative process, from the choice of materials to nature-inspired system design. Each work on the cusp of urban and natural environments to foster education and conservation, building communities and conveying key messages. ‘Think global, act global’ is their shared mantra.
This exhibition celebrates moments of the studios’ collaborations over the past 20 years. The seven schemes featured give an idea of the breadth of work, from enabling people to live in a garden, to preserving the habitat of Madagascan lemurs and designing out plastic pollution in our oceans. The shared attitude towards sustainability, people-centred design and creating better places are fundamental threads that weave the studios together.
The collaborative projects featured in the exhibition were: