Integrating exhibition content and design
Working closely with the curators, Studio Woode, we designed the exhibition based on the layered complexity of growing cities. The graphic system is based on a basic 2-dimensional grid which grows in size depending on the complexity and content of the exhibition. The colour palette consists of a powerful electric blue, based on the digital hex code, which is combined with a set of pastels. Accents of colour help visitors move through the space navigating from a neutral array of colours to the final section where the colour coverage increases dramatically. This journey in colour represents the increase in access to information that city dwellers and planners have nowadays.
Designing 3D exhibition structures sustainably
Our team created a set of self-standing structures, in a grid formation, that flow around the organic space to create a powerful 3D experience. Graphics flowing from the walls to the floor, and viceversa, celebrate the intricate design of the gallery space. We worked tirelessly to create structures that were easily recyclable (we kept materials to a minimum and in their natural form) as well as creating the most appropriate structures to meet the content and space requirements.